Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 17.30

Contact Form

Wellous Pharma Private Limited committed to strive for total customer satisfaction by conforming to their requirements through continuous improvement in Product, Process and Quality System.

Manufacturing Site Address

M/s. Wellous Pharma Private Limited,
R.S.No.333-2A & 2B2,
NavamalMarutur Village,
Kandamangalam Block,
Villupuram District,
Tamil Nadu - 605 102.

Registered Office Address

M/s. Wellous Pharma Private Limited,
R.S.No.333-2A & 2B2,
NavamalMarutur Village,
Kandamangalam Block,
Villupuram District,
Tamil Nadu - 605 102.

Contact Us

Mr. A. Karunakaran,
Managing Director,
9442993737 / 9047005701